Facebook on Monday unveiled a new logo for the parent company sparking various reactions from around the world.

The new logo was created to help distinguish the company, Facebook, from its suite of apps.

The company has had its iconic blue and white simple text-based logo for well over a decade.

Facebook's iconic logo

The new logo represents a shift from this, featuring purple and shades of pink.

The logo will appear on the company's suite of apps including Instagram, Facebook and Whatsapp over the next few weeks.

Facebook Company's new logo

The new logo is meant to help users distinguish the company's corporate identity from its core offering and avoid confusion.

"We're updating our company's branding to become clearer about the products that come from Facebook.

"We're introducing a new company logo and further distinguishing the Facebook company from the Facebook app, which will keep its own branding," Facebook's Chief Marketing Officer Antonio Lucio explained.

How the new Facebook logo will be shown on Instagram

The company recently started noting its ownership of various apps under it such as Instagram and Whatsapp.

"People should know which companies make the products they use," Lucio argued.

How the new Facebook logo will be shown on Whatsapp

Various users took to social media to give their 2 cents on the new logo.

Some noted the similarity with Instagram's colors while others wondered if the move was really necessary.

Others described change as inevitable and welcomed the new logo, hoping it would not leave them confused.